Are you passionate about expressing what you witness in the world through photography? Do you feel intimidated by your camera or stepping outside of AUTO mode? Would you like to unlock your creative potential by becoming more fluent with this medium? This course is for beginner to intermediate photographers who want to expand their skills and deepen their understanding of the many factors that influence image creation. All aspects of the course are working towards printed work as the final output at the highest level of imaging quality. This will be an experiential course and will be in part guided by the intentions and experience of the group. This Part 1 course is focused mostly on camera work. A future Part 2 course will explore editing and working with raw files in the Adobe Creative Cloud suite.
Topics we may explore:
- Setting up your camera properly
- Crafting images in Manual Mode
- Creating and working with RAW files
- Reading histograms
- How to properly expose digital image files
- Composition basics
- Understanding how to expose for various styles of photography and environments
- Managing and organizing image files
- Viewing and culling images
Students are expected to have their own DSLR and laptop. The Current can lend equipment per prior request.
Andreas John is an apprentice to life currently practicing in analog black & white large format photography. His work with nature and the human form pulls on threads weaving humanity back into intimate relationship with the greater world in which we are all held. Though his professional work is mostly with analog film, he is also deeply versed in digital photography, lighting, Lightroom and Photoshop.
Photo courtesy of Andreas John.
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Digital Photography Part 1 - Relating to the Camera
Register for 3 Adult classes and receive 15% off!
Wednesdays: April 30 - June 11