January 20
Creative Reflections
New Years perceptions through art and mindfulness
Medium: Acrylic painting and drawing
February 17
Transforming the Inner Critic
Medium: Watercolor and mixed media
March 10
Creative Patterns: Finding, exploring, and breaking patterns through art and mindfulness
Medium: Print-making and drawing
April 14
Roots and Branches: Inner and outer creativity inspired by trees
Medium: Ink and drawing
May 12
Remembering our creativity through drawing
Through guided meditation, journaling, and drawing we will explore the theme of remembering our creativity. Throughout life we get cut off or separated from creative parts or aspects of ourselves through culturally accepted aspects of growing up. These separations form creative blocks, inner critics, and voids between us and our creative energy. Join us as we sip tea, make art, and relax into the moment, finding, remembering, and re-membering creative parts of ourselves long forgotten.
June 9
Blooming: Allowing your creativity to naturally emerge
Medium: Mixed media drawing
Meditate and Create