PREVIEW: 2023 Adult +
Teen Summer Programming
This is a preview site for our 2023 Adult + Teen Summer Programming. Registration is currently open for members only. Access to the registration page, featuring class descriptions and instructor bios, will open for the public on June 26.
The Current is thrilled to launch our new Art in the Outdoors summer series of workshops which guide students from the field to the studio as they explore the natural wonders of Stowe and learn to work with a range of artistic mediums, including clay, glass, photography, and watercolors. To complement the Art in the Outdoors series, we're also delighted to offer studio-based classes in popular techniques such as handbuilding, printmaking, and painting.
Member Early Registration: Click here and use the code that was emailed to you to access early registration or call 802-253-8358.
Not a member yet? Click here to join today and receive access to early registration and other exciting benefits.
We are offering a variety of participation levels and additional scholarships, helping families make art a priority.