Helen Day Online
Ready for your Daily Art Fix?
While our building is closed, we’re keeping our online doors open. So you can gather here every single day for your artistic nourishment. If we could, we’d bring you the smell of paint on the palette. Enjoy yourself.
Spring Studio Visit:
Robert Buck
Rachel Moore interviews Eiko Otake,
John R.Killacky, and Brian Stevenson.
Thank you to Jean Nichols Cross for production photos.
Helen Day Art Center is launching a public art challenge with a new symbol of gratitude, hope, and unity.

Art Kits
We are creating and distributing art kits while supplies last. We are working with Stowe Elementary School to distribute the art kits with school lunches and will also have some available on the front porch of the Helen Day Art Center.
Courtesy of Vermont Art Online.
A special thanks to Sarah Briggs and Sarah Laursen.
Seven Days: Vermont Art Online Brings Exhibits to Stuck-at-Home Viewers

Online classes
While our building is closed, we’re keeping our online doors open. So you can gather here every single day for your artistic nourishment. If we could, we’d bring you the smell of paint on the palette. Enjoy yourself.
Sonnet 116, William Shakespeare
Learn how to create an origami version of our #helendaycreates design from a young guest contributor.
by Molly Davies
View our virtual gallery tour and see if you can locate these three items.
A reading of a poem, written by Tracy Emin
by Molly Davies
2019 collaboration with Eiko Otake,
John R. Killacky, and Brian Stevenson
Sean Clute (artist, professor at Northern Vermont University-Johnson), Molly Davies (artist), Jeroen Nelemans (artist), and Brian Mernoff (MIT Museum Education Coordinator), share perspectives on art & technology during a discussion moderated by Rachel Moore.
A reading of a poem, written by Louise Bourgeois
View our virtual gallery tour and see if you can locate these three items.