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Join us for a three-day exploration of ceramics and nature. Mornings will be spent engaging with the outdoors; sketching, journaling, and recording our impressions and observations of the world around us. Guided by professional ceramicist, Tabatha Henry, we will spend afternoons in the clay studio, using inspiration from our mornings’ observations to create stunning handbuilt ceramic tiles and wall decor. Tabatha will speak to her own experience creating decorative tiles and ceramic installation and provide insight into best practices for building with clay, translating designs through glaze and slip painting, and displaying finished pieces. The Current will provide all materials necessary for this muli-media workshop, including a field sketchbook for each participant, drawing supplies, clay, and access to our professional ceramic studio.


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 Hey Members, choose the full tuition option and use your code at checkout to receive your $25 discount. 

Field Explorations in Clay (3 days, 10-3pm)

  • Tuesday, July 18 - Thursday, July 20

    10am - 3pm (4 hours of instruction; 1-hour lunch from noon-1pm)

    (3-day workshop)



    Registration Deadline: July 10, 2023


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