Studio School at The Current is a unique, after-school art intensive rooted in the traditions of Europe’s oldest art academies, such as the Academy in Paris. Founded on the core belief that art-making not only consists of a set of teachable skills, but is also an essential and elevated course of study, The Academy and its Art Salons functioned as the cultural center of the European art world for centuries.
Our mastery-based curriculum breaks down the components of visual art-making and gives students the tools they need to realize their artistic visions. Students will develop the skills and confidence to realize their artistic visions through drawing exercises, the study of contemporary and historical artists, and iterative processes.
We are thrilled to announce the expansion of our Studio School Program with the addition of Design and Build. This program is ideal for those interested in artistry, craftsmanship, creative problem-solving, and applied design. We have combined various techniques such as woodworking, 3-D printing, digital modeling, and mixed media sculpture into one exciting class. Our students will be challenged to think creatively, make informed decisions about material use and building strategies, and collaborate with peers to create incredible works of art and engineering.
These extended programs are perfect for aspiring artists who want to deepen their understanding of art-making concepts and skills. Our students will get to participate in peer feedback sessions, analyze well-known works of art, and showcase their creations at the annual Student Art Show at The Current.
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Studio School: Youth Design and Build
Thursdays, January 1 - June 6
19 classes
No class 2/29, 3/14, 4/25
Makeup weeks in case of canceled classes: 2/19-2/22, 4/22-4/25, 6/10-6/14