The graceful repeating patterns on Turkish and Central Asian pottery are appealing precisely because they reflect the symmetry and balance of the natural world. In this mixed-level class, we will use ideas from biology and mathematics to consider how our choices of shapes, textures, patterns, and color create unique moods and feelings in response to our work. In many patterns, there is an echo of calligraphy and we will spend some time exploring how language can be used in decoration. Looking at examples of patterns in art, science, and nature from all over the world, we will welcome the spring season with our own ode to the intersections of science and math with embellishment and decoration. Students will learn and use a variety of decoration techniques including tools for texture, carving, underglaze, inlay, calligraphy, stamps, wax resist, and more.
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Geometry of Nature: Pottery and Patterns
Mondays, May 1 - June 5
5 sessions
no class 5/29
Complimentary aftercare is available until 5:30pm.